Westward Ho! A pioneer, I would not be! After one day, I am growing very weary of the prairie and the Plains (they're very plain) and cannot imagine traveling at about 2 miles per hour, day after day, with the same landscape mile after mile. I'm done with it!
We started out from Alexandria, MN at about 8:30. The weather was beautiful and the air cool. We started counting lakes and only got up to 9,432. Do you think they lied? We hit Fargo, ND at about 10 and from there on the road was a perfect one point perspective with no distractions on either side. It was hot as hell, but I kept thinking about what winter must be like on this road. If you got lost in a blizzard, nobody would find you til spring. As "plain" as it is out here, there are some terrifying weather situations!
Another day of the Plains tomorrow and then we might hit some mountains. I wonder what those Pioneers thought after they spent months traversing the great center of our amazingly vast country then came up on the Rockies, and they had to figure out how to get over. It certainly would have been too much for me, but with Magic, I'm looking forward to it!
great one point perspective, but the Plains are hardly plain, not if you're going 2 miles an hour. Think of all the wildlife you'd see! Tedious, indeed, but teaming with animals and birds and flowers and .....