Saturday, June 30, 2012

Day 7 Saturday, June 30

In the distance, we saw mountains today- a cool drink of water.

We left Glasgow, MT this AM via route 2 and followed it across the state. It was another day of ranches, Reservations and the huge blue Montana sky. We rode through amazing little towns that all have a motto and sports teams that won a state championship sometime (as advertised when you drive through). My personal favorite was the Chinook Sugar Beeters!

Magic reached a milestone today of 40,000 miles. An awesome accomplishment for a two year old!

Met a fellow aging biker at a rest stop. Sully was riding to Alaska from Boston to bury his buddy's motorcycle jacket. His friend died before he had the chance to make the trip he always wanted.

We all ride for a reason. Some of us are touring. Some of us are searching. Some of us are fulfilling a life's dream. Some of us are sad. What is the same to all of us is the ride, the scenery and the wind in our faces.

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