A bear visited us last night at the Gold Pan Motel as proven by the trash strewn around the yard. Luckily we took our picnic cooler off the bike or Magic might have been ursine dinner.
Leaving Eagles Nest in our dust, we headed out in 40 degrees and sun to complete the Enchanted Circle. The monotonous sage pave way to lush valleys and green mountains. A huge brown bear sauntered by us in a meadow. The bike carried us upward. Garmin blanks out at 10,000 feet, and we continued to rise well after that. The altitude made itself known in our breathlessness.
Turning west just north of Taos, we headed out 64. The Rio Grande Gorge took more of my breath. Spanned by one of the highest bridges in the US. the river flows over 1000 feet below. Jules held my hand as my shaking knees reluctantly led me out on the overpass. Jules has helped me overcome my innate fear of heights, but it came back as I peered over the railing and heavy trucks shook us in passing.
Early lunch because it looked like the weather was going sour on us. And it did. Shortly after the gorge, the rain caused us to suit up. Then after a few miles of cold clouds, the sun appeared and we began to swelter. Rain suits off!
Through Chama and across the line into Colorado again. At Pagosa Springs we changed direction north. Through Wolf Creek pass it was déjà Vu. Ten thousand feet and more. A twisty convoluted road brought us to the top where Jules picked me a dandelion, amazed that it is only Spring here. With temperatures falling and dark storm clouds gathering, rain suits back on. This time the rain did not stop and it was accompanied by thunder and lightening.
We reached South Fork and waited under a pavilion, but new storms kept popping up everywhere. We made the decision to quit early and stay dry. The road ahead is a great ride and we decided to save it for, hopefully, a sunny tomorrow.
One of the luxuries of having sixty days is that we can pack it in if it's too hot, too rainy, or we're just plain tired. We watched bikers ride by in the pouring rain and realized our good fortune to be warm, dry and together.
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