Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Day 17 Tuesday, July 10

Rain doesn't fall in our rain forests!

Forks, WA, our home for last night, is known for more than the setting of the "Twilight" series. It is also the rainiest city in the continental U.S. But, sunny skies were the call of the day on our "rain" forest run.

First stop, Hoh Rain Forest, part of the Olympic National Park. Foxglove and other wildflowers landscaping the edges of the road and huge evergreens, gave proof to the fact that this is a perfect growing climate.
We stopped at small sign : "Large Spruce". Indeed it was! Jules could not believe its size - at least 12 foot caliper.

We finished the Hoh loop, then headed down 101 into the Quinalt Rainforest. Saw a sign that said the World's LARGEST Spruce, so we had to stop. Damn if it didn't put that other tree to shame. 1000 years old, 58' in circumference and 191' tall. Trees that magnificent both in size and age make us reevaluate our significance.

Continued on 101. We had our daily picnic, by the Pacific, sheltered from the wind and warmed by the sun. Back on the road, we continued following the ocean skirting in and out of forests and catching glimpses of the beach. Then we veered off the highway to stay along to coast.

Fog! It loomed over the horizon ominously. When we got closer, the temperature dropped drastically as we stopped to layer on more clothes. We parked to watch cars drive on the beach and the wind and the lack of sun drove the temperature into the 40's. We rode through the fog to Copalis, Ocean City (yes, there is and Ocean City on thus side, too) and Ocean Shore. Chilled to the bone we decided to go inland for the night and are roosting in Aberdeen.

It was a day of ups and downs! Mountains to beaches, large spruce to largest spruce, 75 degrees to 47. Let's see what the roller coaster ride brings tomorrow!

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