Friday, July 27, 2012

Day 33 July 26

"On a dark desert highway, cool wind in my hair...." And that's how our day ended.

Tahoe shone in the morning light as we left our motel. It was difficult navigating around the lake because of traffic through Tahoe City and construction, but it was worth it for all that came later.

Following the shoreline, we began to climb higher and higher. The terrain changed and granite formations became more impressive at every turn. One curve took us over magical Emerald Bay. The green water, the backdrop of granite and the fairy tale island all combine for a mythical setting. Looking down from our vantage point far above the bay, I felt like I was spying on a medieval stronghold where knights fought dragons and ladies swooned.

Back on Magic, our noble steed, we continued to climb. At one point we were on a narrow ridge with views of sapphire water on both sides. I wasn't sure if it was the altitude or the scenery that was stealing my breath.

We skirted into South Tahoe and Nevada. How different the two sides of the lake are. The state line immediately takes you from beautiful rustic private homes to a Harrah's high rise casino. Not our cup of tea, so once again, we headed for the hills.

Luther Pass was our next challenge and it was a beautiful one. Pines and geology rule here. Granite formations scatter across the hills and evergreen patches compete for space. We found a secluded campground, miles off the road, for our picnic. Rocks and red barked pines were our companions.

Back on 89, my heart soared with every turn as we climbed to 7700 feet and views of the Sierras honored us with their beauty. Down into the valley and intense heat. Green circles indicated irrigation and ranches sparsely populated the land.

Another mountain to climb and another pass! Monitor Pass announced that snow removal was not happening there. That gave us a clue as to what type of road we were meeting. Up into the High Sierras, Monitor did not disappoint. As we climbed and swooped, the pastels of this mountain range shocked me with their beauty. We crested out above 8000', then dove down through mountains whose colors could not be created on any human palette.

Mountains have guided us on this trip and the constantly changing personalities and appearance of them confirms the variety of wonder available to travelers in this vast country. From snow to sere pastel, the majesty of all is unequalled.

Over the pass and into the valley. Desert heat smacked us down from our mountain high. Route 395 is a straight, hot highway with no towns for miles and miles. But then, out of the shimmering heat, a small, old motel appeared. We pulled in and found an oasis. The rooms are shaded by spicy Eucalyptus and resident quail and deer are the entertainment! Such a lovely place.....

"Welcome to the Hotel California...."

1 comment:

  1. what a fantastic trip, and thanks for letting us share in the experience vicariously!
